Nuclear vets honour for ReachUK's Susie

ReachUK Media consultant Susie Boniface has been honoured for her work to highlight the plight of a forgotten community of Cold War veterans.


As a reporter for the Sunday Mirror, Susie anchored the paper's campaign for recognition of the survivors of Britain's nuclear tests. Now a freelance political commentator, she has used her contacts to keep this important project in the headlines. As a result, she's helped to win a medal review, following a 10,000-name petition and front-page revelations about secret radiation experiments conducted on British servicemen ordered into the toxic clouds.

The British Nuclear Test Veterans Association has now given her their highest honour - the Jesse Award, named after veteran "Jesse" James Owen, for her outstanding contribution to the cause.

BNTVA chairman Alan Owen said: "It is daunting for us to go to Westminster, confront politicians, work out what to do and who to talk to. Susie has been an invaluable friend to us, and frankly we couldn't have done it without her."